MIP Ideas Portal
Let us know how we can improve MIP. When submitting a request, please be sure to include why the enhancement is useful to you and specifics on how you would use it. Please add screenshots wherever possible. Our MIP team will be reviewing new requests weekly, but please note that it may take more than a week for comments to be moderated depending on the volume of requests. We look forward to your feedback!
Resend Payroll Direct Deposit Vouchers is Now Available in the MIP Cloud Modern Interface
On more than 1 occasion payroll has failed in attempting to send email vouchers. this would save having to print out and manually distribute. and if someone ...
Allow Payroll to be paid out of multiple cash accounts.
We need additional cash account for payroll.
More flexibility around banking holidays and EFT
Currently the program requires banking holidays for the next year to be set up to create the ACH file last payroll of December even if it is not dated in the next ...
Quick Calculated Check Register by Dist Code or Fund
It would be very helpful to be able to pull the Quick Calculated Check register by Fund, so we can see an easy report that breaks down all employees wages & fringe ...
Option to have a payroll deduction not subject to Workers Comp tax
In the state of Wyoming, pre-tax AFLAC deductions are not subject to SUTA or Workers Comp. Currently, MIP doesn't have the option to exclude the deduction from ...
Show Leave Balances on Calculated Register Reports in Payroll
We use the Quick Calculated Check Register to proof a number of payroll figures before cutting checks. It would save a number of corrections if the leave balances ...
Payroll Module Pop-Up telling how many checks required
In Payroll Module at point of issuing checks and vouchers have a pop-up like A/P module telling you how many checks you need.
Ability to void and recut uncleared payroll checks without having to actually re-create a new one.
Need the ability to void and recut payroll checks that didn't clear the bank without re-creating every aspect of the check. Having to re-create it leaves a lot of ...
Be able to Set a Delayed calendar Date to Send an Email delivery of a Payroll Voucher
Many times a payroll file is created days or weeks ahead of time due to holidays or work scheduling. Right now, the email delivery of the payroll voucher has to be ...
Allow Benefits and Deductions with a YTD Balance to show on all payroll vouchers
When we run our payroll vouchers, the earnings YTD show up even if there is no current activity. We can only see YTD amounts on Benefits and Deductions when there is ...
Payroll Deductions - allow deductions to be direct deposited.
Adjusting Direct deposit files for retirement deductions, Health Savings Account deductions, and other deductions which create an employer liability is slow and ...
Payroll Processing Quick Calculated Check Register - Code Sorting
This report is great to review payroll, however the earnings, benefit and deduction codes should be listed in ascending order so that each employees codes are in the ...
Set Up/Adjust Employee Balances needs a comment field
When we enter adjustments to employee balances, it would be great if we could add a comment regarding the adjustment for a better audit trail.
It would be extremely useful to have a report in the payroll module to display Gross to net per empl
for audit purposes, for budget planning for supervision.