MIP Ideas Portal
Let us know how we can improve MIP. When submitting a request, please be sure to include why the enhancement is useful to you and specifics on how you would use it. Please add screenshots wherever possible. Our MIP team will be reviewing new requests weekly, but please note that it may take more than a week for comments to be moderated depending on the volume of requests. We look forward to your feedback!
Resend Payroll Direct Deposit Vouchers is Now Available in the MIP Cloud Modern Interface
On more than 1 occasion payroll has failed in attempting to send email vouchers. this would save having to print out and manually distribute. and if someone ...
Vendor Name Field Length
Now that IRS requires EXACT matching of name and FEIN, we discovered our vendor name field length doesn't contain enough characters. We would like the ability to ...
Reviewed: Need Further Info
We Need to duplicate MIP Classic .csv report of AR Aging data via APIs for Florida PALM Project
The AR Aging Report data as produced by the Classic UI **as a .csv output** needs to be made accessible from the MIP APIs so that automated solutions to integrate MIP ...
Customer Suggestion
Print one check number for multiple vendor invoices
When we pay a vendor that has a large number of invoices, the check will print using several different check numbers. It would be nice if only one check number would ...
Customer Suggestion
Add "Print Separate Checks" as a filter option on the Invoices Selected for Payment report
We have too many vendors to remember which we selected to combine invoices versus printing separate checks. It would save time if "Print Separate Checks" was a ...
Customer Suggestion
Add "Unposted Transactions" option on General Ledger Transaction detail report, or vice versa
I'd like the option of combining unposted and posted activity on a Transaction detail report. Right now, I have to manually merge the two and it is very time ...
Under consideration
!Automatic Reversal of APS Session once an API invoices has been reversed after payment was issued!
When an invoice is incorrectly allocated to the proper funding source, the invoice is reversed and the expense accounts are allocated to the proper funding source. ...
Customer Suggestion
Restore underlining to Excel report exports and warn when overwriting an existing Excel file
Excel exports of financial reports no longer have totals with underlining. Also, the export function no longer warns when a file is about to be overwritten.
User Assistance
Post on home page when software will be down due to maintenance
It would be helpful to be able to access a schedule of when systems will be down for planning purposes. I know emails go out but if they are deleted there is no way ...
Under consideration
Benefit Activation/Deactivation Audit
We need to be able to pull an audit trail that shows when and who activated or deactivated benefit plans.
Customer Suggestion
Suppress Zeros by Rows
Reviewed: Need Further Info
Add Column for Document Created by User to Manage Sessions Screen
It would be extremely helpful to be able to have columns added to the Manage Sessions screen showing who entered and posted the sessions. Currently I have to go look ...
Customer Suggestion
Add a Grant Field in the HR Query
Add a Grant column to the HR Query in the Employee Information section.
Customer Suggestion
A/R receipts running total when applying payments to multiple invoices
I’m wondering if there is a way (or a box to check in settings for example) for me to be able to see a running total when choosing customer invoices for applying ...
Customer Suggestion
Toggle Single column vs dual columns for amounts on GL Detail Reports
Many times when working with excel, its easier to have an export with amounts in a single column, instead of separated into debits and credits. It would be great to ...
Customer Suggestion
allow users to reset pinned locations on cloud classic
You can pin your folder locations for imports and exports for easy navigation, but cannot remove pins for folders that are no longer valid. Id love to be able to ...
Customer Suggestion
Classic Shortcuts not available in Cloud
In the on-premise/classic version, when entering a transaction, the debit/credit would auto-populate with either the transaction amount or remaining amount. This does ...
Customer Suggestion
Use of Arrow Keys to Navigate to Next Row
When entering a transaction in classic/on-premise, you can use the up/down arrow to navigate to the next line. In the modern cloud version, you must tab all the way ...
Customer Suggestion
UDF for JV - connect to Vendors with Maintain section
I have just enabled Set Up User defined fields to include an extra column in a JV called Vendor. In the "Field Type" field we have put: Non-editable Drop-Down List. ...
Not planned
Sort Order for Web Timesheets
Add the ability to sort Web Timesheet by two fields. So you could sort by last name and then by date
Customer Suggestion
Statement of Rev & Exp - Refresh the Column Segments error message
When I change the date on the Statement of Rev & Exp report (I have it customized with -MG at the end), it won't let me run the report and it keeps giving me an error ...
Reviewed: Need Further Info
Refresh Column Segments
Add an option to refresh column segments when running reports.
Reviewed: Need Further Info
Current account activity should automatically display in the "Display Account Balances" screen.
When I use the "Display Account Balances" screen, I almost always want to see activity for the parameters I've entered. It would save a step if the Current Activity ...
Under consideration
Ability to re-print Vendor ACH Vouchers
Is there a way to be able to re-print a vendor paid ACH Voucher? I know we can reprint Payroll Vouchers, but it would be great to be able to reprint Vendor ACH Vouchers.
Customer Suggestion
Support Hours
Please please please adjust your support schedule for West Coast time so that someone is available in the afternoon. Not everyone is on the East Coast.
Available Today
MT- Unable to view report in Excel without saving
I am in a hosted environment and I wanted to be able to view report in Excel directly without saving it just like in the On-premise environment. It's inconvenient and ...
Customer Suggestion
Add an Attachment option to the Bank Reconciliation in Modern.
Classic Cloud MIP has a paperclip to attach the bank statement to the bank reconciliation screen but it takes forever. Please add the drag and drop attachment option ...
Customer Suggestion
Bank Reconciliation Design
Suggestions for the bank feed option. Have a header with balance as you clear items throughout the screen so you can see the running totals. Add a select or ...
Customer Suggestion
Bank Reconciliation
Suggestions for the bank feed option. Have a header with balance as you clear items throughout the screen so you can see the running totals. Add a select or ...
Customer Suggestion
Bank Reconciliation Attachments
Suggestion for the bank feed option. Ability to add coding to uploaded transactions similar to QuickBooks.
Customer Suggestion
Option to reverse a Journal Voucher - after it has been posted
Sometimes a JV is posted in error and then needs to be reversed. It would be helpful to be able to go back to the original JV and to select a button that would create ...
Available Today
Collection Note for outstanding recievable
It would great to add a notes field per invoice or have notes on invoices in terms of what collections efforts have been. "Resent invoice to person@xxx.org or ...
Customer Suggestion
Rolling 13 Month Summary by Period, Department & Program. Currently, this report is available, however, the account number, department and program are all in the ...
Reviewed: Need Further Info
accounts payable
would be great if we could lock open APM sessions. had a few posted by others when not ready.
Requisition Submit Button - Hidden Submit To Field
In MIP Classic, when I hit the Submit button in Create/Approve Requisitions, there are hidden radio buttons and the Submit To field is not visible. I have to hit tab ...
User Assistance
MIP Cloud recurring/memorized invoices
Be able to edit and/or delete recurring and memorized documents in CLOUD without having to go to classic
Customer Suggestion
MIP Cloud Check printing options
It would be wonderful to be able to print check alphabetically in MIP cloud.
Customer Suggestion
Add email address to vendor for payment notification in MIP Cloud
Currently, Classic MIP's Maintain Vendor has a field for entering an email address and a checkbox "Do Not Send Payment Notification Email" that can be unchecked for ...
Under consideration
Report History by User
When I used Tyler, there were a LOT of things I hated but I loved that I could go to Reports and scroll through all reports that I ever ran historically and view them ...
Customer Suggestion
Add ability to import a one time earning amount or hours to a Supplemental Timesheet
Add ability to import a one time earning amount or hours to a Supplemental Timesheet. Currently can import amount or hours to a Default Timesheet but not a ...
Available Today
Forms Designer AR Invoice needs postcard layout for simple low postage mass billing.
Forms Designer AR Invoice needs postcard layout for simple low postage mass billing. Particularly useful for any kind of utility mass billing to larger number of ...
Customer Suggestion
Need Actions Tab notation for audit trail of changing an Employee ID in HR.
Need Actions Tab notation for changing an employee ID in HR. Very bad to have no record or audit trail for changing an Employee ID.
Customer Suggestion
Restore all open tabs at log in
Prior to the 2024.2 version upgrade, when we were logged out due to inactivity and subsequently logged back in, all tabs were logged back in automatically. Now, it ...
Reviewed: Need Further Info
Grant Administration Module added in Dashboard
Customer Suggestion
Feature to delete Journal Vouchers instead of reversals
My organization would love a "delete" button for journal vouchers that have been keyed incorrectly. When using the reversal feature, the ledger can look messy at ...
Not planned
Multi Monitor Support
It would be nice to have the ability for Multi-Monitor support so that reports could be on a different screen, particularly when trying to compare different reports.
Reviewed: Need Further Info
AP invoice back up file
a feature that can either use AI or work through Microix that will pull the saved file of the AP invoice that is associated with a specific Grant or GL. For example ...
Customer Suggestion
Customer Suggestion
Attachments view in Credit Card Reconciliations
Attachments cannot be seen in the reconciliation page (cloud view), the solution (not the best) is to open the attachments library and guess which document is there, ...
Customer Suggestion