Import - Allocation Codes

2 votes

Would be incredibly more efficient to be able to import allocation codes & percentages for cost allocations rather than having to go to maintain>allocation codes, open each cost allocation and hand key every column needed and its percentage. We are a very large non profit with many "funds" and the allocation percentages change monthly. You cannot even copy/paste the data, that would be another more efficient option. There is no other option other than to hand key all of this data. :-(

There is a "wizard" under the recipient tab but you still have to manually select each fund or have it select every available combination. This wizard would be a great place to have a copy/paste option for the data you need to input (kinda like how it works in the budget worksheets).

MIP Support confirmed with me today that you can neither import nor copy/paste. This is an extremely laborious task each month that could really use an update.

Customer Suggestion Suggested by: ABM Upvoted: 01 Aug Comments: 1

Comments: 1