Add Vendor assigned account number to Address\Check Address screen

3 votes

We have a few vendors where we have multiple accounts - utility services, for example (we have a different account number for each location). Even though we may be sending the ACH payment to one bank account, the vendor assigned account number may be different for each payment. Then, when we add the invoice, we can select the appropriate remit to address based on the account number.

The issue is that the vendor assigned account number is eight (8) or more characters long. If we add all of our account numbers into the Vendor tab Account Number field, and try to pay via ACH, the file will only recognize the first 15 characters in that field. With the enhancement, the Create EFT Payments process will look at the individual addresses, based on the input in Enter Invoices, to create the ACH file.

Under consideration ACH Suggested by: Curtis Cox Upvoted: 08 Feb Comments: 1

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